Hey Alisha

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If 2020 Wasn't Your Year - It’s All Good.

Every time someone said, “2020 is so trash!” I bit my tongue. I didn’t want to “curse” my year especially when it wasn’t and still isn’t over. I felt like if I actually voiced it out loud, then my year would spiral out of control. Sure, I focused on my brand and development as a person. Good things have happened. Surely, it’s not a complete wash. But I thought to myself - girl, be honest - this year has been a dumpster fire and it’s okay to acknowledge that. From the beginning of the year and all of the fires all over the world, then this raggedy COVID-19 situation which has killed so many people and caused millions to lose their jobs, a crazy occupant of the White House tweeting and twatting nonsense every four seconds, a tense presidential election, all of the racial unrest that reared its ugly head in the form of protests and calls for justice, Tory Lanez… it’s been a mess.

I had a whole list of goals I wanted to accomplish this year; career goals, personal goals, financial goals, travel goals, etc. I kept getting down on myself because I felt like I wasn’t accomplishing anything. But the truth is, that’s a whole lie. I did accomplish something - surviving. If all you did was survive this year, that is ENOUGH. We have to make sure we tell ourselves and others this truth. It’s okay that we didn’t accomplish all we wanted to. The world shut down and the outside isn’t open (#WEARAMASK). I’ve seen so many people on social media spewing out what might be well-intentioned phrases like “hustle during the pandemic” or “if you didn’t start a business and make money during 2020 then what did you do?” I see these posts and report them as spam. This is dangerous rhetoric to someone who may have lost their job and can barely feed themselves and their family or pay the rent. Or the person who lost a loved one. Or the person who had plans to travel to see loved ones who now are stuck by themselves at home. You know how depressing it can be to be BORED IN THE HOUSE, IN THE HOUSE BORED?! Hello?! It’s awful. There is only so much TikTok a person can take. It’s not for everyone. Some folks need physical affection and social interaction with friends and family and being in the house has been a challenge. People function differently and it isn’t fair to judge anyone who hasn’t been “productive” during a plague. I mean, really.

I think the key to this year and beyond is to find the small wins in every day. If getting out of your bed was a win for today - then celebrate that. You deserve, fam! If the win was going to the park (WITH A MASK) and getting fresh air, then claim it as a success, because it is! I’m sharing my experience during 2020, but I acknowledge everyone is different. Some might need to talk to a professional to work through some thangs, and that’s amazing! Therapy is dope - everyone needs to go, to be honest - and so many therapists are offering virtual services.

So if 2020 wasn’t your year, then it’s all good. You survived. We survived. That’s all we need. Better days are coming. I wish you all the best as we count down to 2021. Sending love, light, and positive jou-jou your way. ::virtual hug::

